Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Master's Class in Growing a Business

I was lucky enough to attend the My Biggest Break Luncheon hosted by The Network yesterday at Logan Luxury Theater. It was the 2nd Annual Luncheon that features local business owners that shared their story and what led them to their success. This year's Biggest Break featured Roger Musick and Dick Muth - two guys that have quarterbacked wildly successful businesses in the community for a combined 70+ years and could pen a pretty good how-to manual for growing businesses. I thoroughly enjoyed the 90 minutes and came a way with a number of great themes that I'll plagiarize for years to come - here are three of my favorites...

1. Good People - Find great people, train them right and empower them to do the job. Great advice for any potential entrepreneur.

2. Controlled Growth / Pick Your Spots - In each case, these businesses started off with few or no employees and have exploded to hundreds of employees. But that growth came strategically and in my personal opinion has probably allowed them to control standards over time.

3. Do Something You Enjoy - I got the feeling from both Dick and Roger that if the job became too much of a grind they'd ride off into the sunset. Both guys have family in the business, which adds a layer to this topic - meaning they do something they enjoy with people they enjoy and care about.

Thanks Dick and Roger for the master's class in growing a business and thanks to The Network for hosting this great event.

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff, wish I could have been. I keep waiting for myself to trip on my big business idea / window and fall on my face.
